They're everywhere... You don't have to wear a cape or to have some special kind of superpower in order to save someone's world. She discovered this on her own. Her "Superman" didn't appear when she was falling, just in time to protect her from the hit. He didn't saved her when she thought that no one will ever be able to do that for her. He wasn't even there when the shattered edges of the cliffs cut through her flesh, breaking her bones, tearing her skin apart like some kind of maleficent claws, filling her lungs with poison while she was struggling for a last gasp of fresh air. Why not? Because he was the real one, not just the prince from a fairytale. He was the one who let her realise that she had to be strong and get up all by herself. That she was her own hero. And that only after she is powerful enough to rise, things can change. He appeared just in the right moment and carried with him the most valuable proof that he can be indeed called her hero. He showed her true love. A stage of happiness that she wasn't able to achieve until then. He was her biggest fear and also her bravest guardian. He gained the right to live in her tortured heart because he was the only one who knew how to collect all the pieces of her ripped soul and to glue them all together using his pain and his trust. Somehow, he had the patience and the willingness to teach her how to smile again. He saw her as she really was, just an empty shell, the remnant of a woman who used to be full of confidence and self trust. The only one who had no intention in changing anything about her. He loved everything about her, not only the beautiful parts. On the contrary, he understood even the most damaged parts of her twisted mind. He was fascinated by the scars which were carved in the darkest corners of her wild imagination. He looked at her and saw the countless tears that fell down from her eyes, rolling on her cheeks, even though she never allowed herself to cry in front of him. But that is exactly the reason why he could be more than just a simple man for her. Because he was the one who simply knew. He was the one who could tell when her heart was once again torn apart only by looking at her eyes. A small gesture was enough for him to realise that her sky turned grey one more time. It took her a long time, but the moment arrived and she had finally accepted that he was the one that knew her even better than she ever did. The gate was open again and the fear was more powerful than ever, but, as an odd coincidence, a feeling of belonging also began to make room in her heart. She embraced it. It was hard, but for the first time in a long, long time she could let go of her fake smile and actually have a real one. She was happy. In a strange way, he was everything she could ever ask in a man. She always thought that for her to feel complete, someone very different had to come. Like an yin for her yang. But she could never be more wrong. She found the perfect happiness in the arms of her male version. A man just like her, wrecked by the feelings. Another ship lost in the same sea of disappointment and cruel reality.
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